Take 5, literally

Excuse me all
Saya ade confession.
One of my favorite
Just go to Youtube.com
Key in 'Short film'
simple, senang, syok
touchin pn ade...
Depict the untold.

These are some of my favs. jemput tengok

Sports can portray friendship as well as rivalry

Fates & loves are around, only sometimes we need to be more vigilant

Jawab ar klau brani. We should have aims in our days

5 Response to "Take 5, literally"

  1. PAJID says:
    6:34 PM

    ah sejak bler plak rebrand blog nih?

  2. SMANF says:
    4:27 AM

    ha tu ar lma x snggah~cool x

  3. Anonymous Says:
    12:22 AM

    yey!tq!leh share hobby:D

  4. SMANF says:
    2:52 AM

    welkam.any vids/ othr hoby sugstion slela usulkan ye arisa

  5. Dian N says:
    9:35 AM

    pergh. :):) bagus bagus.