
Kamceng, Sweet, Superstronghearted, Cool jgak
After my Abah passed away while i was still a 6 month foetus
Gile tough for her to stay strong, raising me all by herself for years.
Luckyla I wasn't as demanding & gedegedik as other children back then.
lol riak tibatiba.
Worked as a librarian kt Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh dulu
Best, glamor abes at her workplace.
Sume kenal kami ber2, most probably diorang sympathize
myb coz my ma kecik jgak;

Then i asked her "Ma~ kenape hari sabtu ma tak cuti?"
She fulfilled my question by changing her profession
Garang...but during her teaching kat skolah...
...I couldnt help myself from giggling.

At times mase WWF was all the rage dulu
time The Rock glemer. We even wrestled kaw2.
She even taught me how to use the microwave when I was in standard 2
to heat the lauks she made. Agak seram tinggal sesorang
Coz before this takde kes culik2 ni~

When I left for my secondary school
She was all by herself kat rumah
Kesian risau danlainlain
She got married again dan ade teman sekarang di rumah.

Undescribable sangat in 1 post. I need the whole internet!!!more kot.RARHH~!


3 Response to "KakNoy~"

  1. 21anis says:
    12:27 AM

    cool mom u have! ^^
    very tough, respect ar! (^^)\
    i can't help to giggle too watching my mom teaching my class when i was in primary school..lol,

    HAPPY MOM'S DAY to all best moms!

  2. Anonymous Says:
    10:43 PM

    aww,yr post sounds so pure n sincere lah!

  3. SMANF says:
    4:27 AM

    anis> thnx grl.im sre each 1 of us ad mom yg cool in each's own way.tp agk ar...smpah lwak tgk ma mrah ank org lain x mcm ank sndri.hee

    azizah> ni pn x smpat abes tau.aku amek feel smpai mmber2 usya.blshed, trus post.warr~
    btw u ni grlfren arisa ke ape.spe bg tkar2 nme ni ah?haha