So here's bit of updates. again, tiada kena mengena dengan kamo.ye,kamo.
1. 1st of all 6-9jan, went to a camp at Cameron, what a way to celebrate the new sem.gilasejuk.mandi 2 times in those 4days. and paling xley bla was the habit of exhaling
vapor~~ifuknowhatimean heh bajet cam korea je..cameron je kot~
2. Diaz comes to shalam.its a car actly, no biggie,
supertakot at first drive around shalam, but so far i think i
can handle it.(perasan kau!)
3. Take swimming as my koko. perlu la kan~ a noob in swimming gamble masuk pool. well if Go Jun Pyo manage to learn on how to do it, so do I kan?kan3? pliz la ckp ye
4. Getting to Know You 2 is arnd the corner, crius shiat. So I designed a new ethos logo and a tshirt.zat-it
5. I got myself a korean girlfren.sumpah tipu

9:53 AM
haaaa !!!! hepy la dpt amek pix cute camtooh ? haha
btw, this is my new blog okie JOE !!
1:25 PM
Hi Amri AlSabri, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog
8:09 PM
Hey Amri, Since you're learning to speak english, Maybe you can get this to help yourself out!