When when when...

From the creator of Mamak Puteh

Final drama is drawing near ni...


1.Anda rasa anda hot?
Jujurnye soalan....sememangnya banyak survey mengatakan saya hot..

2.Upload gambar kegemaran anda.

actly bnyk gmbr fvrte aku...but lets just take a close look at this pic....and spot me!^^

3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ini?
coz this is the 1st tyme whn all TESL asasians are in a frame, im hot in that pic

4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
last 2 weeks, Aiden blnje coz he won a run...bgus pnye nazar!^^ abis prmsian cheze kmi balun

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
She will be loved-maroon 5...layan jiwang kjap

6. Apa yang sedang anda buat selain daripada selesaikan tag ini?
Muke buku

7. Selain dari nama sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dengan panggilan aper?
Ol frenz cll me Sheb, fmly cll me Sabri, babies call me Yi, Amri ok la...( dnt cll me Am!)

8. Tag lagi 6 orang dengan hati terbuka tanpa rasa kekesalan sila lakukan kalau taknak kena denda mandatori.
>Pee Dee

9. Saper no. 1- kepada anda?
A sweet, yet hard to found 1 of a kind...shuffler kot...

10. Orang no 3 - ada hubungan dengan sesiapa?
Dr Hanim.. haha

11. Kata sesuatu berkenaan dengan orang no. 5 ?
aku nk bju itam longsleve hg!

12. Bagaimana pulak dengan orang nombor 4 ?
oi gondol!

13. Siapakah orang no. 2 ?
cik ensem yg grang n jelez ngn aku coz aku lg ensem dri die

14.no 6 ape cerite?
Ustaz Dumbeedore

When mama utan swims...

An orang utan mother with a baby clinging onto her (left) grabs the rope bridge as soon as it was thrown towards her.

KOTA KINABALU: The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) has captured rare images of an orang utan swimming to safety with a baby on her back. The mother swims while holding onto the rope. It made sure the baby’s head was above water while she swam across.

A WWF field staff recently took the photographs in the Lower Segama area between Sandakan and Lahad Datu. The orang utan had been stranded on a tree for a week because of floods when the Sabah Wildlife Department sent a team to the area.

They had just set up a rope bridge about four metres to the nearest point of dry ground. The orang utan, with her baby clinging onto her back, climbed down the tree and grabbed hold of the rope that was thrown to her, said a WWF spokesman.

The orang utan then pulled herself closer toward dry land and swam "like a dog", the spokesman said. The mother and baby were fed, and tended for about 30 minutes before being released into the jungle.

Goh, Roy.(2009). "Any mother will swim to save her child." New Straits Times. Retrieve on 2009 March 18, from http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Wednesday/National/2508055/Article/index_html
Orang Utan is a species that is afraid of water.
that is one of their rule - NO SWIMMING!
Apparently, the aforementioned story showed that a mother is willing to break this rule
For the sake of her hungry child, as well of her own safety...
~and sadly some mankind couldn't do the same
Another touching fact that is displayed is that...
~they get our drift...
Great God...

Hotter babes and a baby!^^

1) Go to your photos folder in your computer.

2) Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3) Go to the 6th picture in the folder.
4) Put the picture in your blog and and description of it.
5) Invite six friends to join the challenge

this is my 6th of 6th pic
its cute, dont ask.
luv the baby, luv the girl in white
...an artwork by Ugetsu Hakua

...6 of you!

P/s : nsib baek bkan gmbr aku~~

When people forgot their God...

‘Sepohon kayu daunnya rimbun
Lebat bunganya serta buahnya
Walaupun hidup seribu tahun
Kalau tak sembahyang apa gunanya?’

I’ve been thinking, we’ve spent years living on His world, inhaling His air each second, eating His source of food and drinking every drops of His-made water everyday…how much do we owe Him exactly?...ntahla, God knows. We owe Him a lot
But lets be frank here. Some of us are aware and some aren’t.

…wait, cross that! All of us aware! But most of us aren’t giving a shit…I’m among those most (aiya!). Solat is the only verb that differentiates Moslems with those kapiaq out there. So which one are you?

Notice that most of our friends out there nowadays, they tend to be rude to Him, and I couldn’t do much. It’s hurt a lot, as they’re being rude not just to his God! But our creator as well, to MY God! So please, if the one who’s reading this is being rude to Him! Please don’t. You’re being watched, 7/11!

And sorry to say that some of my friends are being rude as well>_<*
…hate them for that! hate myself for couldn’t end it.

Lets touch on ‘Sembahyang Kosong’ a bit here. For donkey years, I’m quite glad that I can pray. But sadly, the past 18years of praying, I didn’t actually pray…I didn’t get a thing from my solats (only know AlFatihah and tahiyyats’ translation though T.T )

Get my drift here? Semayang tp xpham mkna la…
not to say that it’s wrong, but it’s kinda like a waste. So feel free to read through and memorize^^
…and feel free to FeeEEL the solat!

Allahu Akbar
Allah Maha Besar

Doa Iftitah
Allah Maha Besar dan segala puji bagi Allah dengan banyaknya. Maha suci Allah sepanjang pagi dan petang. Aku hadapkan wajahku bagi Tuhan yang mencipta langit dan bumi, dengan suasana lurus dan berserah diri dan aku bukan dari golongan orang musyrik. Sesungguhnya solatku, Ibadatku, hidupku, matiku adalah untuk Allah Tuhan sekelian alam. Tidak ada sekutu bagiNya dan kepadaku diperintahkan untuk tidak menyekutukan bagiNya dan aku dari golongan orang Islam.


Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pemurah lagi maha Mengasihani. Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam. Yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani. Yang menguasai hari pembalasan. Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah dan hanya kepada Engkau kami mohon pertolongan. Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus. Iaitu jalan orang-orang yang Engkau kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan jalan mereka yang Engkau murkai dan bukan jalan mereka yang sesat.

Bacaan Ketika Rukuk

Maha Suci TuhanKu Yang Maha Mulia dan dengan segala puji-pujiannya.

Bacaan ketika bangun dari rukuk

Allah mendengar pujian orang yang memujinya.

Bacaan ketika sujud

Maha suci TuhanKu yang Maha Tinggi dan dengan segala puji-pujiannya.

Bacaan ketika duduk di antara dua sujud

Ya Allah, ampunilah daku, Rahmatilah daku, kayakan daku, angkatlah darjatku, rezekikan daku, berilah aku hidayah, sihatkanlah daku dan maafkanlah akan daku.

Bacaan ketika Tahiyat Awal

Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat yang baik adalah untuk Allah.
Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi dan rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya.
Sejahtera ke atas kami dan atas hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh. Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan aku naik saksi bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah. Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas Nabi Muhammad.

Bacaan ketika Tahiyat Akhir

Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat yang baik adalah untuk Allah. Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi dan rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya. Sejahtera ke atas kami dan atas hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh. Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan aku naik saksi bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah. Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas Nabi Muhammad dan ke atas keluarganya. Sebagaimana Engkau selawatkan ke atas Ibrahim dan atas keluarga Ibrahim. Berkatilah ke atas Muhammad dan atas keluarganya sebagaimana Engkau berkati ke atas Ibrahim dan atas keluarga Ibrahim di dalam alam ini. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Terpuji lagi Maha Agung.

Doa Qunut

Ya Allah, berilah aku petunjuk sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah Engkau tunjuki. Sejahterakanlah aku sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah Engkau sejahterakan. Pimpinlah aku sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah Engkau pimpin. Berkatilah hendaknya untukku apa-pa yang telah Engkau berikan padaku. Jauhkanlah aku daripada segala kejahatan yang telah Engkau tetapkan. Sesungguhnya hanya Engkau sahajalah yang menetapkan, dan tidak sesiapapun yang berkuasa menetapkan sesuatu selain daripada Engkau. Sesungguhnya tidak terhina orang yang memperolehi pimpinanMu. Dan tidak mulia orang-orang yang Engkau musuhi. Telah memberi berkat Engkau, ya Tuhan kami dan maha tinggi Engkau. Hanya untuk Engkau sahajalah segala macam puji terhadap apa-apa yang telah Engkau tetapkan. Dan aku minta ampun dan bertaubat kepada Engkau. Dan Allah rahmatilah Muhammad, Nabi yang ummi dan sejahtera keatas keluarganya dan sahabat-sahabatnya.

Great God.
Please accept me…

‘Dipukul dipalu sehari hari
Barulah ia sedarkan diri
Hidup di dunia tiada bererti
Akhirat di sana sangatlah rugi’

P/s: Izu ckp klau tau makna bole lg khusyu' solat. couldnt agree more

When drama wasnt a drama

Yesterday was havoc in our drama class

Groupd and Groupc members had to perform Inspector Call’s act

Gile pnye idea

Plan ckit pnye gempak..

Hasilnye mcm haprak

Our group messed up like hell, the worst I think

Acts overlapped, mumbles, lines forgotten,

and I called Sheila Nadia…or was it the other way around?

Izu : I think I should investigate further on this!

Me : Then now ure trying to say that my son is involved in this matter!?

All : …..?

Nadia : …Gerald, b4 u leave, take this with you..!(baling cincin)

Haziq : iyelah…(aik!?)

jiwa kacau btui! lawak pn ade-konpius lagi la


Joy ckit pnye smangat daa…

but tell u what

I like to act, but hate it when im not good at it

Katak yg katak!

Ingatkn tag-mengetag ni dh abeh...
ade lg ek?

1) Who are you?
watashi wa Amri AlSabri desu- without '-' ! full name is confined. teka sindri

2) Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?
bosom frenz

3) How often do you think of committing suicide?
i'll live on -Sumeragi Kururu

4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
it depends.

5) How many babies you want?
4 cuties! 2 boys and 2 girls

6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
always do! im a rain lover.

7) What is your goal for this year?
is je ke? i was hoping for are. if 'is' then im aiming to make Queen happy-really do

8) Do you believe in eternity love?
I believe it as long as my spouse-to-be haas the same trust!

9) What's a perfect boy/girlfriend like to you? (List 10)
-mature enough
-tudung of course-labuh is better
-cn undrstand, and trust me (pliz God)
-pndiam but naughty
-drop dead gorgeous smile
-x kuat mrajuk (...eh?)
-terer masak^_^
(p/s: spe ade ciri2 di atas sila aply borang kt mak aku!- ASAP)

10) What feeling do you love most?
when some1 inside laugh

11) What are the requirements you wish from the other half?
hah! Q ape ni?

12) Is there anything you wanna tell the people you hate?
I think & hope that I don't have any people to hate.

13) What does flying means to you?
Falling down in a vast speed with bated breath

14) What do you crave for the most currently?

15) Who's hotter? Chace Crawford or Kevin Peake?
hantu btui! spe2 la mamat 2 ekor ni!? yg aku tau aku ngaku aku hot! spe bangkang shaddap!

16) Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
wish to meet you soon

17) What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?

18) If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
the moment i started to breath

19) What are your fear(s)?
-dan katak
- monyet!
- open wide sea

Instruction: Tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Whoever does the tag will have blessing from all.
-Arif DEan
-Izu (WOI revive!)
-YOU! yg bace ni!

Whenever death is...

A corpse was found at a bus stop this morning.
Heard rumors that he’s a migrant.
Worse rumors said that he’s a student.

Ke ye?

What right has human got to take one’s life?
How long your victim had live? Before you kill in seconds.
What are you doing, as people around him are crying?
Who are you?

God great
Keep me alive
I just wanna live

Dedicated to those idiots who think they’re a death god, great enough to kill
bagus sangat ke!? God's watching your steps. We can die in a snap!

P/s : ntah2 pmbunuhnye org yg pegang death n…
Alapak! ($#!t ? 6azl@!? Ar*p!?) jgn